Ruckus SmartZone omrežni kontrolerji
24 maja, 2020Ruckus Cloud – oblačni nadzor
24 junija, 2020Ruckus Unleashed nadzor brez kontrolerja
Predstavljamo Ruckus Unleashed
RUCKUS Unleashed je visokozmogljiva platforma ki teče na zmogljivih Ruckus dostopnih točkah. Je enostavna za namestitev, upravljanje in cenovno dostopna rešitev z
vgrajenimi funkcionalnosti krmilnika. Torej ni potreben finančni vložek za nakup kontrolerja. Ruckus Unleashed omrežje lahko upravljate preko telefona- aplikacije ali pa preko spletnega brskalnika s celotnim omrežjem: dostopnimi točkami in stikali iz Ruckusovega nabora opreme. Ruckus Unleashed omogoča z uporabo Ruckus Unleashed managerja tudi upravljanje z več lokacijami in skupinami Unleashed sistema. Vzpostavite svoje Unleashed omrežje v manj kot 5 minutah – brez zapletenih konfiguracij in brez posebnih strokovnih znanj.
Ključne lastnosti Ruckus Unleashed:
- Postavitev omrežja z osnovno konfiguracijo v manj kot 5 minutah
- Enostavno upravljanje
- Ruckus Unleashed aplikacija
- Upravljanje s AP-ji in izbranimi Ruckus stikali
- 128 AP-jev / 8 stikal in do 2048 klijentov
- Nižja investicija in nižji operativni stroški
- Možnost razširitve in nadgradnje omrežja z ostalimi oblikami Ruckus upravljanja
- Beamflex+ prilagodljiva antenska tehnologija
- ChannelFly tehnologija
- SmartMESH
Ruckus Unleashed – centralni nadzor brez kontrolerja
RUCKUS Unleashed dostopne točke in stikala so namenjeni malim in srednje velikim podjetjem z eno ali več lokacijami z do 128 dostopnimi točkami i max 2048 odjemalci-klijenti ter z 8 stikali na na posamezni lokaciji. Odlična izbira za manjše organizacije, ki morajo zaposlenim, strankam in gostom zagotoviti brezhiben, profesionalni Wi-Fi, ne da bi pri tem bila potrebna velika investicija. Z mobilno aplikacijo Unleashed lahko omrežje upravlja praktično vsakdo – ni potrebno posebno strokovno znanje in izkušnje. Unleashed omrežje je zasnovano tako, da lahko enostavno sledi rasti podjetja – kar je ključna zahteva za 58% malih in srednje velikih podjetij, ki pričakujejo rast v naslednjih 6–12 mesecih.
Izbor Ruckus Unleashed dostopnih točk ponuja rešitve za praktično vsa mala-srednja in tudi velika podjetja, saj nudi širok izbor: cenovno in zmogljivostno. Prav tako lahko izbirate med notranjimi dostopnimi točkami ali zunanjimi dostopnimi točkami Dodatno lahko upravljate tudi z številnimi Ruckus ICX stikali.
Ruckus Unleashed Video predstavitev:
Uporabite RUCKUS Unleashed za postavitev brezžičnega omrežja v:
- Pisarnah (odvetniške družbe, zdravstvene ambulante, zavarovalne agencije in druge), ki potrebujejo profesionalno poslovno brezžično omrežje, napredno varnost in dostop za goste z vgrajeno tehnologijo samo-odprave napak in enostaven on-boarding klijentov
- Večstanovanjske enote kot so velike hiše, majhna stanovanja in apartmaji, manjši hoteli, ki želijo široko pokritost z WiFi signalom
- Majhna in srednje velika prodajna mesta (trgovine, restavracije, kavarne)
- Učilnice in pisarne v osnovni šoli, ki želijo vpeljati digitalno učenje brez ogrožanja varnosti
Ruckus Unleashed podprte Enterprise funkcionalnosti
Unleashed dostopne točke in stikala nudijo enterprise funkcionalnosti, s katerimi lahko prilagodite, optimizirate in zaščitite omrežja svoje Wi-Fi omrežje ter nudijo odlično uporabniško izkušnjo.
Ključne lastnosti:
Guest Services | Give guests secure, high-performance Wi-Fi access, while isolating their traffic from the private business network easily. Customize your guest Wi-Fi portal with your logo, brand and messages. Provide Wi-Fi access through Guest Passes, or have guests authenticate using social media accounts such as Facebook to eliminate the hassle (and security holes) of sharing
Wi-Fi passwords. |
Application Visibility and Control | Monitor the network usage patterns of over 2,200 applications with Deep Packet Inspection, and find out which ones are consuming the most resources. You can define application-specific access rules (such as limiting access to YouTube or social media), or even limit Wi-Fi speeds for specific applications and/or SSIDs. |
Resiliency | Continue to access printers and other network devices even if internet connectivity fails. Users stay connected to the Wi-Fi network even if one or several APs fail for any reason, as long as at least one AP in the network is online. |
Security | Use DPSK to eliminate the risks of shared passwords and lock down access to the Wi-Fi network—without complex configurations. In addition, secure your network and protect your clients with WPA encryption, client isolation and 802.1x for RADIUS and Active Directory. |
Zero Touch Mesh | Add new Unleashed APs to the existing network securely over the air. Dramatically speed up and simplify the installation of an Unleashed network. |
Multiple Language Support | Create and manage your Wi-Fi network in your own language. RUCKUS Unleashed currently supports 13 languages. |
URL Filtering | Define web access rules for your network users. Protect your network from malware and phishing sites. |
Social Login | With the built-in Social Login feature, you can sign into the Unleashed mobile app using your Gmail, Facebook or Twitter account, and link your Unleashed Wi-Fi network. From that point on, you can manage your Unleashed
network from anywhere in the world using your social login. |
Remote Management | Need a quick answer or help troubleshooting a network issue? Just tap the “Invite for Remote Management” option on the mobile app, and send a text message or email with a link containing all the Unleashed network information to an expert. |
AP Groups | Apply multiple configuration profiles to different groups of APs. |
Zero IT | Easily onboard customers or employees onto your Wi-Fi network through a simple, self-service portal. |
SSID Rate-Limiting | If you want to limit data speeds for a particular group of users (such as guest users), you can create a separate SSID with a data rate “speed limit” that you define. |
Ruckus Unleashed topologija:
Lastnosti - Podrobnosti
128 APs or 2,048 concurrent clients |
802.1X Authentication Caching |
802.1X EAP authentication using an external AAA server (RADIUS) |
Access Control Lists |
AP Groups |
Application Recognition and control. Application-based rate-limiting and QoS traffic shaping. The following pie charts are provided:
• Top 10 clients by application • Top 10 applications used in the networks • Top 10 applications used by each client |
Auto-Discovery (switches) |
Automatic Master AP Selection: One RUCKUS Unleashed AP serves as the “Master AP,” one of the member APs will take over controller functions if the Master is unreachable. |
Bonjour Gateway |
CLI Setup Wizard |
Client Renaming |
Client Isolation |
Client Fingerprinting and Device Access Policies |
Configuration backup and restore (APs and switches) |
DHCP server (configured manually from Unleashed Network Master AP) |
Dynamic Pre-Shared Key (DPSK) |
Ethernet Port VLAN Support for H320 and H510 |
Firmware updates (switch and AP) |
Guest Access WLANs |
Hotspot (WISPr) WLANs |
HTTP-based Captive Portal |
HTTP/HTTPS redirect |
Layer 2 roaming |
Management IP Interface |
Multi-language support |
One-step firmware upgrades of the entire network from a single interface |
Password Recovery |
Preferred Master – Admins can configure an AP to serve as the “preferred” Unleashed Master AP. If the preferred Master is offline, another member AP will become the Master. When the preferred Master comes back online, it will resume the Unleashed Master role. |
Radio Frequency (RF) management features:
• BeamFlex+ • ChannelFly • Background Scanning • Automatic Channel Selection based on ChannelFly or Background Scanning • Band Steering • Client Load Balancing • Rogue AP detection |
Same-WLAN support for multiple social media logins |
Self-Service Guest Pass |
SmartMesh (on select models) |
Social Media login (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft and WeChat) |
Switch reporting: port status; PoE utilization; Health; Events & Alarms |
The Unleashed Master AP can be configured in Gateway mode to provide routing, NAT and DHCP functions for all devices in a local area network, in addition to serving as the controller and serving clients. |
• SpeedFlex • Client Connectivity • Internet Status • AP Ethernet Port Status • AP Reboot Cause Reporting |
Uniform Recovery SSID |
Unleashed Multi-Site Manager connectivity |
Up to 2,048 client devices supported (depending on encryption/auth method) |
Up to 512 local users supported (on the internal database) |
WLAN encryption/authentication options:
• Open + None • Open + None + MAC Auth • Open + None + Web Auth • Open + WPA2 + AES + PSK • Open + WPA2 + AES + DPSK • 802.1X + WPA2 + AES + AAA |
WLAN Prioritization |
WLAN per radio |
Zero-IT support for automatic configuration of client Wi-Fi settings |
Zero Touch Mesh |
Ruckus Unleashed Portfolio Datasheet