September 5, 2017
Dasan DA-30M easycord
September 5, 2017


PLANTRONICS – Cords, adapters, extensions

Bottom cords, extension cords, training cords. QD adapters for PLANTRONICS headsets and other accessories:

C-PLX08 Bottom coiled cord with PLX QD, QD to Modular Plug
C-PLX37 Bottom coiled cord with PLX QD, QD to Modular Plug, CISCO termination
DA-30PLX EasyCord, Bottom coiled cord with PLX QD, QD to Modular Plug, including termination switch for most common terminations
DA-30PLX/EU EasyCord, Bottom coiled cord with PLX QD, QD to Modular Plug, including termination switch for most common terminations with 85dB limitation
27019-01-G-PLX Supervisor cord for PLX, mute function for supervisor, 3 times PLX-QD
TCP Training cord for PLX, 3 times PLX-QD
ECP Extension cord for PLX
SK-16DS/PLX DASAN-QD to PLX-QD adapter cord
SK-16GN/PLX GN-QD to PLX-QD adapter cord
M10-C1 Coiled cord for PLX-QD to M10 amplifier
P10 Coiled cord for PLX-QD to P10 amplifier
MUT-1 In-Line mute switch for PLX between QD’s
SK-29 Bottom cord with PLX-QD to 3.5mm plug
SK-19 Bottom cord with PLX-QD to 2.5mm plug
PC-PLX Bottom cord with PLX-QD to 2x 3,5mm plugs for e. g. PC sound card
DSU-10M/PLX USB headset cord plug & play incl. volume control and mute switch for microphone, PLX-QD to USB
DSU-11M/PLX USB headset cord with call answer button, plug & play, incl. volume control and mute switch for microphone, PLX-QD to USB
SL-1/PLX Bottom cord for Siemens DECT phones, PLX QD, call answer button, Slim-Lumberg plug SL1
SK-005/PLX Bottom cord for Alcatel phones, PLX QD, call answer button, 3.5mm plug
