Bittel is a world leader in guestroom communications with over 8 million guestroom phones installed around the world. Bittel’s design, research and development, and manufacturing are all based in Rizhao, North-east China – near the port of Quingdao (the 2008 Olympics Sailing venue). By locating these together in one location, Bittel is able to design and test new innovations quickly, exercise excellent quality control, operate a flexible demand-led approach to manufacturing, and ship product promptly to anywhere in the world.
Bittel’s guestroom phones are widely endorsed by leading Hotel Groups, and integrate with all the major PBX platforms. The Bittel range of guestroom phones seeks to address the needs of all types of hotel and cater for every budget and hotel size.
Bittel offers competitively priced guestroom solutions, with superior functionality, build quality, design, and support.
Bittel Electronics (EU) is committed to building long-term business partnerships with approved value-add service partners, Hotel Groups, and PBX system manufacturers.
Bittel’s guestroom communications solutions are used by some of the world's most famous hospitality brands including